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Form-in-place (FIP) gaskets have applications across a wide variety of industries. Their uses vary greatly, but FIP gaskets have one thing in common no matter how they’re used: they are applied to their destination surface via robotic gasket dispensing.
This process allows for exactly the kind of precision and accuracy required for most FIP gasket applications. It’s a cutting-edge technology that requires a high degree of expertise to properly employ. But when it’s done right, it’s perfection.
In this post, we take a look at the functions of robotic FIP gasket dispensing and some of the most common industries that put robotically dispensed FIP gaskets to use. Keep reading to learn more.
The Modus Advanced team didn’t invent FIP gasket dispensing, but we have elevated it from a science to an art. Those who want the best in manufacturing work with Modus. You can, too. Just contact us.
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The Basic Function of Robotic Gasket Dispensing
The science behind robotic gasket dispensing is incredibly complex, but when you watch the machine dispense the FIP gasket material onto its housing, it looks simple. CNC machines dispense FIP gasket materials in liquid form onto surfaces that can be as narrow as a single millimeter. They trace intricate gasket paths with ease, making stops and turns look effortless. To those who understand how difficult this process would be without the benefit of robotics and programming, it’s beautiful.
The reason this extreme level of precision is required comes down to the basic function of FIP gaskets. These gaskets are meant for highly complex designs that may require very small or intricate gasket paths. The alternative in these complex applications would be to cut the gasket from a solid material and manually place it onto its housing.
Imagine a tiny circuit board with dozens of stops, grooves and turns. Now, imagine not only cutting a gasket to match that design, but then placing it accurately by hand. It’s laborious at best and absolutely impossible at worst. That’s why robotically dispensed FIP gaskets are so important in manufacturing.
Learn everything you have ever wanted to know about FIP gaskets in our ultimate guide!
6 FIP Gasket Applications
Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s dive into some of the industries that most commonly use FIP gaskets. This is by no means an exhaustive list of applications for robotic gasket dispensing, but it does cover the high points.
1. Aerospace FIP Gaskets
From takeoff to landing and ground control to remote drone control, FIP gaskets are pervasive in the aerospace industry. In many cases, aerospace components can put human lives on the line if they fail or malfunction, so everything — including the gaskets used — has to be perfect.
When perfection is required, FIP gaskets are the go-to choice. Here are a few examples of devices in the aerospace industry that commonly use FIP gaskets:
- Drones
- Flight instruments
- Ground control communications and tracking equipment
- Aircraft seats
2. Robotic Gasket Dispensing for Defense and Military Uses
Military and defense applications share a commonality with aerospace: people’s lives can be under threat when devices don’t work properly. The important and often sensitive nature of the equipment used in defense and military environments often requires intricate gasket designs. That means FIP gaskets often fit the bill in the following kinds of devices:
- GPS systems
- Missile guidance systems
- Radar devices
- Military vehicles
3. FIP Gaskets in Electronics
FIP gaskets have wide applications in the serious businesses of aerospace and defense, but that doesn’t mean they’re only used in the interest of safety and security. Sometimes, FIP gaskets find themselves inside everyday electronic devices that we all know and love.
The following devices provide some good examples of FIP applications in consumer electronics:
- Smartphones
- Consumer-grade GPS devices
- Any device that requires resistance to electromagnetic interference (EMI)
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4. FIP Gasket Applications in Medical Devices
Sometimes, medical devices are the only thing keeping someone from succumbing to a serious illness or condition. That’s a lot of pressure to place on a man-made device, but FIP gaskets are up to that challenge. Here are some common applications for FIP gaskets in medical devices:
- Ventilators
- Dialysis machines
- Oxygenators
- Ventricular assist devices
5. Communications Applications
The communications industry has blossomed in recent years with the advent of high-speed internet, WiFi and massive cellular networks. With that blossoming has come a boom in the use of FIP gaskets in this industry. The following are some examples of communications devices in which FIP gaskets are often used:
- Cell phone stations
- Cellular devices
- WiFi routers
- Satellites
6. Using FIP Gaskets in Mass Transit
The buses and trains millions of people use to get to and from work every day are filled to the brim with FIP gaskets. Here are some examples of mass transit components that use FIP gaskets:
- Onboard control and communications instruments
- Accessory components
High-Quality Robotic Gasket Dispensing with Modus Advanced
Whether your industry was covered in the above list or not, Modus Advanced can help you if you have a design that requires robotic gasket dispensing. Our master technicians and engineers can dispense any FIP gasket to your exact specifications, but we’re also more than prepared to consult with you to help you design the perfect gasket for your application.
If that sounds like what you need, reach out today. All you have to do is give us a call at 925-960-8700 or contact us online. We’re looking forward to working with you.